Wallpapering a wall is a versatile decorating option for both interior and exterior walls. Wallpaper comes in many different designs and materials, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.
What type of wallpaper is the best depends on the climate of the room, whether it is indoors or outdoors and how permanent you want the wallpaper to be. Vinyl is the most common material.
Wallpapering is a good option for adding texture and colour to a room with greater design flexibility.
Measure the surface and calculate how many wallpaper rolls are required
Prepare the walls by removing existing wallpaper or smoothing down the surface
Draw guidelines on the wall and apply the wallpaper accordingly
Had D4decor in to hang wallpaper on our hall wall and a feature wall in our spare room. Craig was brilliant from start and the finishing look was brilliant. It was all done for a great price and would definitely recommend them ?! Thanks again guys ?
We have years of expertise in finding the right wallpaper to completely transform any room